It's my first time blogging, so I'm still getting used to the whole set up. Why blog? Why not would be a rather flip answer, but I wanted to set up my own blog to discuss one of my favorite passions -- The Army of Northern Virginia. I have participated on Civil War forums before, but to tell the truth, they have been anything but civil. Most are agenda driven, where the politics of agenda takes precedent even over the truth.
I want to use this blog to discuss some of the more controversial issues surrounding the ANV, and I mean really discuss them. With more in-depth analysis than the usual "hey, I read it in a book so it must be true" answers that I have run into in the past. I don't know if that is possible, especially since most Civil War enthusiasts have opinions and all of them strong. But we'll see.
I am also going to use the blog to keep you updated on my Civil War Trilogy - "The Chancellorsville Chronicles." More to come on that later.
So, this is what I hope to accomplish. I will reveal more about myself in future orders. In the meantime, I hope this blog might become a favorite resting place for all those who admire the gallant men who served in Army of Northern Virginia.