This letter comes from:
Fort Leavenworth K.S.
Jany 28th 1857.
My Dear Cousin;
I take the liberty of addressing a word to you from this far off region. I have been Stationed in Kansas for the last 2 years and owing to the Army's participation in the Kansas difficulties have had a fine opportunity to become well acquainted with its resources, and local advantages; that opportunity I have not failed to improve. And I am now entirely convinced from personal knowledge, that with a little capital, and attention I could in a short time make a handsome fortune, by investments in real estate. You can form no idea [ to] what prices that species of property will command at the opening of navigation. The rise is already evincing itself, and the tenacity with which the holders hold on to their property is the best evidence of its worth. But I did not mean to argue the propriety of what I am going to propose, which is to borrow from or through you ($2000.) Two thousand Dollars with interest at 6 per cent per annum for the period of two years or, if preferred, for a longer period. I feel perfectly sure of realizing a handsome profit in six months even a draft on Corcoran & Riggs Washington or any current Northern Bank will suit. I sincerely trust that you will accede to my proposition by sending me this amount at your earliest convenience for here time is emphatically money.
I moreover tender to you my services and best energies to invest for you whatever amount you may think proper to entrust to me, in what I believe to be the most profitable real estate in the Country. During the Summer months I will be absent on an Indian Campaign but expect to return early in the fall.
My kindest remembrances & love to your family in which Flora heartily joins, for I have made her acquainted with you.
An early answer is particularly requested.
Yours Affectionately
J.E.B. Stuart
P.S. I will of course complete all my investments early in the Spring. JEB
Hon A H H Stuart